Low-Carb Vs. Keto: Differences, Advantages and Which Works Best?

For most of us, when we think about Low-carb and keto diets they sound like the same thing. It’s simple, stay away from carbs right? Well actually, it’s not that simple. While both diets steer away from carbs, there are a few major differences between the two diets.

The most significant is that both diets rely on different sources of fuel to supply the body with energy. Low-carb diets use glucose stored as energy and then moves onto fat to fuel the body. However, keto diets force the body to move into a state of ketosis. This means your body produces ketones from fat in your liver and relies solely on fat to fuel the body. Despite the similar lack of carbs, both diets look very different on a plate. This is because a low carb diet aims to replace carbohydrates with protein, healthy fats and vegetables. While a keto diet replaces carbohydrates almost entirely with fats. The structure of daily calories consumed through a keto diet is 70% from fat, 20% from protein and only 10% from carbohydrates. It is apparent that a major difference between the two diets is the heightened consumption of fat involved in following a keto diet vs the relatively low fat intake of the low-carb diet. 

Although both diets can contribute to weight loss, they also offer different benefits to one another. Low-carb diets may promote weight loss, eliminate processed carb filled foods, are more sustainable and easier to follow. Keto diets on the other hand have major health benefits such as managing epilepsy and improving cholesterol and triglyceride levels. They have also been proven to improve insulin sensitivity which is especially helpful for people with diabetes.

When deciding which diet to pursue one should take into consideration both the pros and cons of each diet. Low-carb diets may impact your micronutrient intake and cause you to feel weak or experience constipation. Keto diets also have their downside as they may be hard to adapt to initially and constipation is often experienced due to the low fiber intake.

Which diet is best for you? Well, the diet you choose to follow depends entirely on what you would like to achieve. Another important consideration is to choose a diet that you can stick to, as dietary goals are achieved through consistency. 

At Schoolyard Snacks, we’d like to make whichever diet you follow that much easier and enjoyable. Whether you’re following a low-carb or keto diet, the bottom line is that we’re all trying to stay as far away from unnecessary sugar and carbs as possible.

>>Snack Healthier 

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